Sometimes we can have some pretty incredible ideas for what we want from our websites. We can scratch down a few ideas and insist this is what we want from our website.
We can either hire someone to make the perfect website from our chicken scratches or we can use web builder technology to develop something on our own.
So, what happens when we get another brilliant idea after the website is developed and in use? Well, usually we just find a way to tack the information on even if it doesnt exactly fit.
When we get a few of those new brilliant ideas we have a potpourri of brilliant ideas mismatched in places that dont make any sense to site visitors. Weve all either had this happen to us personally or weve been to sites that have this problem.
The end result can look a bit like a kids clubhouse made from left over lumber and tin; serviceable perhaps, but not designed for long-term use.
When you develop a site for online business you should use order from chaos as your mantra.
Solicit the help of those who have developed a business website before. Ask them hard questions about what it took to make sure they included all the things they...