Is it only those man and women who grow up in prosperous homes that can pursue the dream of owning their own business? Is it true that the young are the only ones equipped to deal in an online environment? Is nationality an indicator of candidacy for ecommerce?
No, no and no!
There was a time when successful businesses were often developed and operated by those who came from families of wealth. There was a time when youth was necessary to fully build a thriving business worthy of a legacy. There was a time when gender, social class and ethnicity were all important indicators of the probability of success in business.
Those rules do not apply to online business.
The world of online ecommerce is subjected to a different filter. Many of these businesses are being developed by men and women in their fifties and sixties who have always wanted to develop a dream job and found the Internet the perfect vision vehicle.
There really only seems to be one predominant prejudice in online business Can you deliver what you promise? If you cant then you could be young, rich and a part of a nationality you believe to be acceptable and still lack a stable...