Internet And Business Online The Price Of Common Sense
Alfred Lord Tennyson once said, Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.
Sometimes those with the most wisdom or common sense may not have a college degree or letters after their name. Some of these individuals never set foot in a college classroom. Some of them dont even like to read, yet they understand people.
When a crisis comes up many of these individuals refuse to panic and they can generally solve the problem by taking a step back and trying to look at the big picture. These men and women are not stupid; on the contrary they can sometimes think circles around somebody well-versed in the study of textbooks.
Believe it or not the skill of common sense is as much an asset in building a business online as any marketing course known to man. Sometimes wisdom without understanding (common sense) can lead to problems.
A friend of mine tells the story of a young man with whom he worked many years ago at a roadside fried chicken stand. The small restaurant was busy, but my friend noticed a curious behavior in a young man working the kitchen. This young man had grabbed a pen and began scribbling...