There are practical and even motivational reasons to market when you are seeking to establish a business online.
In this article lets take a look at some of the motivational reasons.
First of all, lets break down a very specific wall that is generally erected when someone who is not comfortable with marketing objects to the idea that they need to promote a business.
That wall is in many ways a reverse sense of pride. A wall is erected because they believe that if they show enthusiasm for what they are doing it will draw undue attention to themselves.
I can hear you asking yourself how being humble is a sign of pride.
The quick answer is that some people who do not want to market their business take pride in the fact that they are humble. That may sound odd, but humility in this case can actually be a source of pride.
When you get married do you want others to know about it or do you self-consciously hide your ring finger? You let others know and you show the rock.
When a child is born into your family do you want to tell others about the birth or is it something to be quiet about? You tell others with happiness, photos and a...