Internet And Business Online Tomorrow Will Arrive Sooner Than You Expect
As we continue to move further into tomorrow we find fewer and fewer people who remember life before the computer. When you follow this truth to its logical conclusion you discover that there will come a time when there will be very few transactions that will not be managed except through the connections typically found in an online environment.
Where you may find some who have never purchased online today there will be shift and this will be the exception and not the norm in the world of tomorrow.
Online businesses that have established themselves report that business improves with each passing year as more and more individuals perceive the Internet as a primary location for the purchase of items they need and/or want.
Brick and mortar stores of yesterday dabbled in the world of Internet and found that only a small percentage of their overall sales were made via the Internet. However as today passed into tomorrow they found that the medium of Internet moved from novelty to full blown money maker.
In many cases these same stores report that after more than 10 years of...