You can find & buy a lot of steroids online. Internet certainly is the best and the safest way to buy steroids. Actually, steroids are hormone drugs derived from testosterone. They help boosting up general growth or functioning of the reproductive organs, and secondary masculine traits. Steroids have several anabolic and androgenic properties, and thus they are often called anabolic steroids.
Immense popularity of professional bodybuilders, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, has really sparked the trend of muscle building among you people, in all age groups. In your bodybuilding craze, you people often took to anabolic steroids. Encouraged by your desire to attain incredible bodies, you abuse, or over use, or use steroids excessively. Such use of anabolic steroids is actually dangerous and causes a number of side effects.
Some of the common fallouts associated with the use of anabolic steroids include premature balding or hair loss, dizziness, mood swings (anger, depression and aggression), hallucinations, extreme feelings of mistrust or fear, sleeping problems, vomiting and nausea, trembling, high blood pressure, aching joints, jaundice, liver damage,...