Today someone will take their first steps toward making a fortune.
Today someone will be content to make a living.
Today someone will debut a website with inadequate focus. This someone may fail.
Today someone will make the hard decision to stop conducting online business.
Today someone will decide there is something they can do to save their business and do it.
Where are you today?
The role of Internet marketing encompasses so many different disciplines it can intimidate many online businesses. Some business owners feel fortunate to get their online business operational. The thought of learning various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, integrating various marketing applications and the many hours that might be needed to get the word out can leave the heartiest business owner with a feeling of defeat or inadequacy.
The first step in any online business is quality research. You need to understand whom you are targeting, what their spending habits are, what they like and how your product fits within those questions.
Once you define a product and customer demographic you begin the process of letting this...