One of the byproducts of the Internet is the advent of a new position in the ranks of business. This position is called the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). While still in its relative infancy this position places multiple burdens on one individual.
If you are a small home-based business you may be Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial officer (CFO) and CMO. It may even seem ridiculous to look at the sharing of duties when there are so few to lend a hand.
If your business is large a CMO may be a viable option for improved Internet Marketing.
These individuals are assigned the task of managing details like customer service, product marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) along with advertising and promotion.
The best term to describe these individuals is multi-tasking. They have to be well versed in a variety of skills and be able to execute these skills as needed. If the individual does not posses some of the required skills they should either work to learn the skills or be able to outsource the needs while they retain the role of project manager.
Interestingly a CMO may shift positions every two years, which is why it may be...