Internet marketing provides the ability to expand the possibilities of your website while giving a nod to your own dogged determination and mental quickness.
Internet marketing is not simply a one-size-fits-all piece of clothing designed to allow you to simply apply one standard where you discover yourself on the same footing as every other online business.
The financial empire of Smith Barney used to run an advertisement which read, We make money the old fashion way we earn it.
This is why there is no one-size fits-all approach to marketing. There are always new marketing tools to be discovered and always new skills to learn. Beyond discovery and learning is the application part of the process. This is where you take all you know and then work through every issue that comes up in order to implement the idea and bend it and shape it to become a tool that you need.
I would guess this is why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firms are so widely used. Business owners either dont have the time or are fine with not knowing how to be efficient online marketers.
This is not to say they are wrong in using SEO firms, but you should consider this...