Ebooks have become a very common commodity on the Internet. You can now download ebooks from many different websites and you can even visit an ebookstore to find these information products. Ebooks are hot sellers because today’s computer savvy generation spends a great deal of time reading ebooks for learning and enjoyment purposes. Some in the book industry have even begun to predict that ebooks may make traditional printed books obsolete within the next 20 years.
If you have an online business or if your are thinking of starting one, you may want to consider creating and selling informational ebooks on your website. Sound intimidating? It’s really not. Ebooks are generally shorter and easier to create than the traditional book. They are also much less expensive to produce. You can create an entire ebookstore for only a fraction of the price that it would cost you to publish and print one traditional printed book.
To write an ebook, all you need is a unique information product, a target audience, and a computer. Ebooks can be created on a multitude of programs and easily turned into a reader friendly PDF document. If you don’t know how to do...