One question that I hear more then any other in the internet marketing world is What is the quickest way I can start generating a profit?
My biggest piece of advice… FOCUS!!
There are a TON of different ways to make money online but whatever you decide to pursue you’ve got to focus all your energy on it.
There’s an Internet Marketing (IM) trap and it goes like this…
1) You start signing up for everyone’s email list to “learn for free”
2) You start seeing what everyone is doing and you think to yourself… “I should do that”
3) You finally get the courage to start pursuing something but you actually start pursuing everything. You go in all different directions and only make a half assed effort one way or the other.
4) Because you didn’t experience “ultimate success” the first go around, you start buying products and information on IM.
5) Well unfortunately that takes you in 50 different directions because although the advice from most of the big named gurus is good, they all have a different approach.
6) Then you spend some more money...