Internet / On-Line Dating – What If It Really Was For Free?
A great deal has been said about the pros and cons of Dating Sites on the Internet. There is no doubt that those who use dating sites either due to social constraints in their real life or because of a desire to increase their circle of friends should be aware of not only the positive side of on-line dating but the negative aspects as well. One things remains clear. Internet on-line dating sites are clearly getting more and more members. So what if it really was for free?
A few months ago, after doing an exhaustive study of some internet dating sites as well as trying to map out some of the various general trends beginning to be visible in regard to internet sites in general, I realized that almost all of the on-line dating sites have a few things in common. None of the below is to imply that these sites are not legitimate. Indeed almost all of them are very legitimate and run by major companies.
1. Reliance Upon User-Memberships For Income – Obviously if people don’t frequent their site or refuse to pay membership for it, then they can no longer afford to keep it open. Thus it...