Watch out for lies and embellishments There are certain things which peoplecommonly lie about within their profile. The most common include: Height, weight, age, and occupation. Also be aware that people may embellish a little bit about themselves to make themselves sound better. For example, they may over exaggerate their travel experience, college education, etc As mentioned before, even some pictures cant be trusted. Some people use old photos of themselves because they looked better back then. Most important, be aware that some people lie about their relationship status. Married people have been known to state they are single on online dating sites.
Be careful about sharing your email As mentioned, most online dating sites allow you to use an anonymous internal communication system. Make sure you take full advantage of that. If you do start to feel comfortable with someone and would like to share an email address with them, dont use your regular email address. Set up a free email address that you use strictly for your online dating activities. You can easily obtain one through yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc
Be careful about sharing your personal information Its...