For the last 10 years I have been using the internet as a source for information, sometimes this is vital information about phone umbers, location of places and breaking news alerts, and sometimes I am just surfing the net in search of some product or service that I think would be nice for me to get.
A few years ago I started encountering a strange phenomena, the empty site, these sites came up in the search engines and when I clicked them they led me to an almost empty page, with little or no information on the thing I was looking for, which was the reason for me being on that same page. These empty pages soon evolved into a mini search engine page, that was a little better than before but with all honesty, I didnt want to be sent yet another search engine once I entered my search term and clicked the search button.
It took me some effort and experience to start recognizing these sites before even clicking them, and so I became partially blind to those empty sites, recognizing them by their domain name or by the page description below the sites address. But it seemed that whatever I did or how much smarter I had become did not matter much to the creators of these...