Internet Users Benefit From The Search Engine / SEO Cat-And-Mouse
A constant cat-and-mouse game between the major Internet search engines and search engine optimization (SEO) companies has an interesting result: As these two groups try to psych each other out to beat the others system, search capabilities are constantly improving for the consumer of Internet services.
Heres what happens: Each search engine develops a formula for producing the most accurate, relevant results according to the Internet users keyword search, and then the SEO companies analyze the search engines function and develop a system of strategies to allow their customers to take advantage of that formula. Common strategies include providing enriched text blocks (a few paragraphs of text containing multiple keywords likely to be picked up by the search engines), general interest articles, with embedded links, on particular topics relevant to the customer, development of multiple links to the customers site from other websites, and a combination of sponsored links and pay-per-click ads (paid ads which appear on other websites). This combination of strategies promises to improve a websites...