Introducing Some Comfortable Ways To Get Good Value Debt Consolidation.
Traditionally, you amalgamate all your debts into one lump sum, owed to a single company, and get the old debts paid off by said company. They handle the paperwork.
The catch is, to get this done, you pay a fee to the debt consolidation broker. So in effect you are still in debt, and are paying a fee on top.
Also, debt consolidation agencies interpose themselves between you and your creditors; another layer of bureaucracy, more chance for something to go wrong.
Also, the fact that you’re using a debt consolidation company will show up on your credit report. This will affect your (future) credit rating.
Are you having money worries? Too many splurges on the ol’ credit card? Bought a 4-Wheel-Drive on HP, and can’t keep up the payments?
Here’s another tip: Re-negotiate.
If the alternative is bankruptcy, your creditors will take something now, rather than next-to-nothing later. Loan finance is just another business. You have bought money for more than it cost the lender.
You can re-negotiate unsecured debts. These are debts where...