Inventor of Swiss Medica’s O24 Pain Neutralizer Shares His Secrets
Will consumers favor a non-burning pain relief product, like Swiss Medicas (OTC BB: SWME) O24 instead of Icy Hot or Ben Gay? Richard Weise, inventor of the patented O24 pain relief product talked to us about how O24 came about, how it works differently than other pain relief products and why O24 might just become a success story during its North American rollout to retail stores.
Interviewer: How did you come about developing the O24 pain relief formula?
Richard Weise: I started the O24 development thirty-five years ago, with studies in natural medicine. When you have chronic pain, people want to take some pharmaceutical product, which gives side effects. I dont like that. I was studying to get a product that I could use, which would have no side effects. Previously while I worked in Germany, I developed environmentally safe cleaning products. I had studied Chinese medicine. I studied all the medicines for years: natural medicines, Indian medicines, European medicines and all the herbs. The Europeans, over a longer time, have been using more natural products.
Interviewer: How...