Espresso has long been a popular form of the coffee drink and there are millions of people all over the world that herald espresso as their favorite coffee drink. For that reason espresso is offered in all sorts of coffee shops throughout the country and some large national chains have picked up on the popularity of it as well! An example would be Starbucks. Among the many different coffee products that Starbucks offers, espresso is just one of their drinks that have gained attention all over the world. Indeed, espresso is a great coffee drink and one of the only ways that you’ll be able to have an awesome espresso taste is through an espresso machine.
The actual process of making espresso is quite difficult, yet an espresso machine makes it possible via forced pressure in order to correctly make the drink. In fact, many people think that espresso is made with boiling water, however, it is not. Espresso is made with very hot, but not boiling water and even though regular coffee drinkers think that espresso is just another coffee drink, it is actually a whole different beverage genre altogether, although it can be classified as a coffee drink as many people already...