To eliminate credit card debt is amongst the best thing you can achieve for your finances. Getting into debt is very simple, but getting out of debt is a lot harder. Though it may be difficult, eliminating credit card debt can be possible with the right type of help.
If you have a minimally sized debt you can combine your balances onto one card that offers a limited time period of no interest. If your credit rating is good then there are many firms who will give you this option. Most credit card companies do such an introduction that usually lasts anywhere from 6 months to one year. You should have plenty of time to get rid of your debt by paying off the debt and not any interest or other charges, dependent of course on the size of your balance. However, if you have large credit card debt then this may cause more problems when the zero percent interest period is finished and interest starts to be charged.
With bigger balances you can either get a home equity loan or invest in credit counseling. A home equity lone can only help you when the balance is large and you are unable to avoid interest rates on your card. With a home equity loan you can get a lower interest...