When you are thinking about investing in your future than you want to have a healthy financial statement. If you need a personal loan for any reason, then you can expect that your financial and credit history will be scrutinized.
If you have debt then now is the time to think about debt management as a good solution for your problems. You dont want to have to avoid the phone calls by creditors and the hassle of owing money to a credit agency.
The credit bureau can get all your information from different banks, financial institutions, credit card companies, and your creditors. They will create a file for you that will be monitored by the credit card companies, but you will be a high-risk borrower if you have a lot of debt.
Even a small amount of debt or a bad late payment can mar your chances of getting a loan when you really need them. If you have poor credit history you can get over it, but it takes some time and proper financial planning. You may want to consider a loan to consolidate debt.
It can take seven years or more to have negative information taken off your credit history. You will also have to build up your good credit again...