Investing Money While In College – It’s Never Too Early To Start
Investing money while in college
Investing money while in college is not something that most people think about. Should you really start investing your money this early? Heres the short answer: it is never too early to start investing money.
As George Clason stated in the richest man in Babylon, the best way to become wealthy is to always take 10% of your income out immediately and put it somewhere where your money will work for you. Certainly, this applies to college students as well.
Even if you make very little money, and therefore dont have much cash built up to invest, by investing money while in college you will at least start to learn the ropes so that when you have some serious money, you will know exactly what to do with it. here are some investing tips to help you bypass the mistakes most investors make, and to help you on the road to financial freedom very quickly.
First of all, heres something you need to know before you start investing money in college: you should always invest in well run companies that have exhibited a long profitable history. Most...