People often ask me how I managed to get a major newspaper like The New York Times to write my story. My response is, “Nineteen years of growing a successful business.” You have to lay the groundwork before you can expect national media attention. The heavy hitters won’t call you until your name is well known in your industry.
It took me 19 years to build the kind of professional presence that would attract the interest of a national media outlet like The New York Times. But you don’t have to wait that long to see your name in print. You can start right now enticing local and regional media to tell your story. Unlike advertising and many other forms of marketing, you don’t pay for this type of publicity. It comes from the media free of charge, but in turn requires more effort than advertising.
Media relations is also riskier than paid advertising. When you pay for an ad, the publication is committed to running your ad just as you designed it. The same is not true for media relations. There are no guarantees that just because you gave an interview the media will include a story about your company and, more importantly, that the story...