Many people overspend from time to time or need a bit of extra cash to cover an unforeseen expense. There are a number of options for covering this type of financial emergency. The one that is right for you will depend on how much you need to borrow and your own financial circumstances. Here are some of the options.
Payday Loans
Payday loans are loans where borrowers get a small amount of money, usually less than 1,000. They have to pay this back by the next pay period. The lender charges a fee that equates to a high annual percentage rate. However, this can be a good option for a short term difficulty. Payday loans are quick and easy to obtain, even for people with a bad credit rating.
Secured Loans
Another option for people with a poor credit history is a secured loan. This is where people borrow a sum of money against the equity in their house. This is suitable for homeowners with a poor credit history who need a large amount of money. This might be a good option for someone who suddenly had to fund a wedding, for example. People can borrow up to 125% of the value of the equity in their house and repayment periods can be up to 30...