A second Passport or better even a second citizenship?
Second citizenship can be something like a global insurance policy that entails any individual to make use of the dissimilar parts of two countries for a better set of options, most likely financially. It can become quite apparent in small nations with a not-so-bright socio-economic condition, where individuals often find it easier to make a better living in another country. One that you can choose. Dual nationality has always been held by wealthy people with a knowledge of world history. They know of the dangers of placing an entire future in the hands of politicians. Patriotism might be OK if governments were consistent and let you be free. But socialistic Big Brother bureau(c)rats now have the power to run your life from cradle to grave. Most of them think that all people who own businesses. securities, gold, foreign bank accounts or property are criminals who should be relieved of them and what little freedom they still have left. It is therefore imperative for the security of anyone of substance or ambition to have at least one other passport and nationality.
A second passport can give you peace of mind....