It may be very tempting to think that in order to get the best UK credit card you need to look for the cheapest UK credit card available. Tempting as it may be, it would also be wrong. In order to know whether or not you have the best UK credit card on offer, you need to make sure that the card meets most, if not all, of your needs. And to that, you need to look at what the card offers:
In order to be considered among the best deals lists of UK credit cards on offer, a number of UK credit card provider advertise low annual percentage rates of interest, but counter for this by charging their cardholders fees for being members. These fees can include transaction fees and annual membership fees. If you find that your UK credit card company is charging you fees, but a lower APR than other credit card companies are, you may find that adding the amount you pay in fees to the APR you are being charged makes the amount you pay at the end of the day more than if you had selected a UK credit card provider who offered a slightly higher APR, but with no fees.
Interest free credit days
These days not all UK credit card providers offer the same number of...