Ive been doing this for 15 years, Annette told me. It just wasnt called this.
I was explaining to a counselor in Australia about the field of emotional intelligence, and she was sure shed found it first. Likely you’ll feel the same way.
Oh, I know what youre talking about, James tells me, as I present a proposal to coach his staff on EQ. Team building, leadership, getting along, cutting down on the politics. Why didnt you say so?
Emotional intelligence, also known as EQ (and EI) isnt a new concept. Most people recognize it right away, or parts of it anyway. Its what used to be called social skills, or people skills, or common sense, or gut feeling. And its spreading around the world like wildfire.
Let me leave you with the million Ringgit question, writes a Malaysian consultant. Is it imperative to measure our emotional intelligence and take appropriate steps to bridge our EI gaps? Only you can decide. I rest the case with you.
An Australian reporter writes, Top leaders are getting in touch with their emotions and those of their staff as intuition and emotional intelligence become the hottest management buzzwords. And international EQ...