The short answer is maybe. The long answer is that the question might be better asked, Is a 100% FLASH web site appropriate in business?. The answer to this question, in my humble opinion is, absolutely not. In fact, we have had several clients come to us this year who have 100% Flash web sites that are going to completely remake their web sites because they simply do not work for them. They are having issues with search engines and with clients who cant see their web sites.
Of course, they do work in terms of visuals. If you visit a Flash web site you will see it. Just because a visitor can see the web site doesnt automatically mean that the web site is working for your business.
What is Flash?
Flash is technology developed by Macromedia, a leader in web development tools. Flash movies are a compilation of many images, elements and text that is then compiled into a nice, tight little digital file that then gets put on the internet. Some designers build entire web sites using this technology. Graphic designers quite like the technology because it gives them a great opportunity to show how talented they are by developing interactive, moving, and quite...