Mommy, I dont feel good., Mom! I cant find my homework, Honey, the dogs loose. These are just a few of the perks of suburban American living. The American Dream2.5 kids, a dog and a two-car garage, and you are the ringleader in this zoo.
Everyone depends on you for everything, so while everyone is yelling about homework, missing shoes, and being late for dinner tonight because of a meeting, you are standing at the top of the stairs of your suburban home with your hair a mess, a toothbrush in your mouth and your makeup forgotten on the cabinet. You are expected to solve all the worlds problems, drive everyone to school, get something thawed for dinner, and make it to your under appreciated cubicle before 9 am.
This has to stop, you are a hard working valuable person, and your life is worth far more than an office building where no one knows your name. Your children need you. Your spouse needs you. Most importantly, you need some time to fulfill your own life; you need to learn all there is to know about your happiness.
Okay, right now youre thinking to yourself, ‘This sounds great but my family is counting on me to take care of the...