Loan payment protection insurance can be a great buy and it can provide a valuable safety net on which to fall should you find yourself out of work due to an accident, long term sickness or unemployment. The cover can provide you with a tax-free monthly income which enables you to pay your commitments without worry while you get back to work. The period of time you are usually covered for is typically up to 12 months, though with some policies it is up to 24 months, which is usually more than enough time for you to get back on your feet.
However the policy is only a good buy if you choose it carefully and wisely. Sadly the industry has been blighted by the negative publicity surrounding loan protection with the high street lenders being the main culprits when it comes to selling over-priced, sometimes unsuitable, cover.
If you want to protect yourself with loan payment protection insurance then you should shop around and go to a standalone provider. A specialist who only deals in payment protection will be able to offer you the cheapest premiums along with giving you the best advice regarding the policy. One of the biggest findings by the Financial Services...