Time to get on the stage and you think you’re all ready. Act is tuned, your costume or outfit for the occasion is all set, and you couldn’t maybe be feeling very assured. Wow it hits like a ton of bricks. No matter if it’s a week, day, or hour before the Execution; the dreaded stage fear shows up when least expected. Some, of the big stars admit to experiencing varying degrees of stage fear which always surfaces during some part of the performers career. If the big stars can move on, so can you. The good news is there so many different ways to combat its affects and even use it to increase your Performance.
It could be that you know this already, but let’s take a look at the signs of stage fright. Many artists have first hand experience with dry mouth, racing heartbeat, and possibly a combination of cold, sweaty, and shaky hands. This sounds like something that enjoyable? Further natural indications include nausea and trembling lips. There are many performers that enforce gave an account of feelings of disconnection and faintness as well. With such physically powerful signs it just doesn’t seem plausible that stage terror can be controlled,...