Is There A Difference Between Manual Traffic Exchange, and Auto Surf Traffic Exchange?
For those of you that do not know what a traffic exchange it, is it a site that you join, and agree to view other members websites to have them view yours. This can be a great form of advertising because a real person is at the other end of the computer viewing your website, where you will be promoting your product, or service. This sounds like a great, but how do you get traffic exchanges to work for you?
There are many websites that tells you to join hundreds of traffic exchanges, to get the joining bonus. Yes it sounds great, but big mistake! If you just joined to get the joining bonus that the traffic exchange offers you probably will never get it. Why? Many of the traffic exchanges require you to have surfed a required amount to get that bonus. So if you thought you were going to get away there. Your Wrong! The worse part is that if you joined to get the joining bonus, the traffic exchanges usually will not put your website into rotation until you have activated your account. So do not go out, and do that you will only be wasting your valuable time. Later on in the...