Is There A Universal Diet For Proper Body Balance pH?
The chief culprits in mineral depletion within our body are the acid-forming foods we eat and what we drink( almost all of the fluids we drink on a daily basis are acidic. Coffe, te, milk, soft drinks, fruit juices and evn water.
For example. a carbonated beverage has a pH of 2, orange juice is ph of 3, and average tap water is 4.5. So drink bottled water you may be saying–well it is typically a pH of only 6) and the other major cause of acidity is stress. In addition, antibiotics which can destroy the friendly bacteria create a problem because the bacteria that grow back are often acid forming and can potentially create a problem that could drain the body of health enhancing electrolyte minerals. Some other causes of electrolyte loss might be: strenuous exercise, sickness, infection, or even fasting.
There is no such thing as a Universal Diet. People are individual and personal. So what works for one person may or may not work for the next. A balanced diet is very unique for each person. To find our proper balance, it is helpful to know not only your own personal needs, but the correct preparation...