Credit card security is a big issue in the world today. We hear of a number of frauds taking place involving huge sums of money being swiped away by technology thieves and it is virtually impossible to apprehend the miscreants. Online safety is a huge issue today. Apart from shopping physically at various establishments and stores, you can also enjoy a variety of online shopping from across the world. Whether it is clothes, books, music, furniture, jewels, or even tickets, they can all be bought at the mere click of a button on your computer even as you sit in the comfort of your home.
But how secure is this transaction? Skepticism is keeping a vast majority away from making purchases online. That is because of the security issue of giving out your credit card number on the Internet. This has dampened the spirit of all the e-retailers and they now even offer a phone number so that you can call in with your order. Hackers are a huge threat to online shopping and we find security features often being tampered with in the credit card frauds.
However, the flip side to the deal is that in case on an online credit card scam, you need to pay only a maximum of $50...