There are millions of people doing their Home Business through the web. Thousands are joining us every day and the end of it is not yet in sight. With so many people entering the Home Business arena you wonder if they are all going to prosper? It is almost imaginable that everybody can make a living out of it. Sure, the web attracts more and more customers, but does this happen in the pace necessary to nourish all those Home Businesses?
This article does not give an answer to this question. Why? Because it is not known. There is no record who is running a successful Home Business and who is not. But one can imagine the fierce competition that is out there. This is however not the worst thing a Home Business owner faces. Competition is a healthy phenomenon. The real worry for the Home Business owners is that they are all part of one, or a few, of the many mother companies, offering their products, plans, MLM schemes to the public. They all get the same advice from all those who already have success. They all change their tactics the moment some smart entrepreneur has found yet another way to increase traffic. In fact, everybody is doing the same thing even though some do...