When your PC eats up almost the entire space in your computer table, its time to have a little re-organizing. Desktop computers, especially those bulky CPUs and monitors could eat up quite a space which could be a room for other essentials such as folder stackers, telephone or fax machine. Nowadays, bulky personal computers can be really heavy to the eyes, especially since in todays technology, the adage, bulk is out, thin is in is the mainstream.
Lets start with your computer table. Its size may vary depending on your design. It may be wide enough to accommodate two bulky PC sets, or it could barely hold one, and you dont have enough space left for the keyboard or the mouse.
First things first, remove all unnecessary files, folders, papers, trash, coffee mugs and saucers, ashtrays, etc. on your desk. Clear the area. Your computer table should be just that, a computer table and not a hodgepodge of everything else. However, top designers say that there are some essential things that should be within reach (especially for an office desk).
The telephone, for one should be within reach. Some very important and frequently used documents could be stacked...