If you store credit card numbers, electronic bank statements, account numbers, and other personal data on your computer you are at risk. The risk is even greater if you have a broadband or DSL connection that is available 24/7.
Spyware are programs that typically enter your computer through your browser. These programs can compromise your personal data. Additionally there are millions of hackers out there looking for ways to get into your computer. The internet is not the only way your personal data can be compromised. Your computer can be stolen or compromised within your home.
What can you do?
(1) Ensure that you have up to date anti-virus software installed. If you run Windows 2000 or XP both Avast and Antivir are great programs that have freeware versions. Google the names to find their websites. Both programs offer auto updates.
(2) Enable the Windows firewall and ensure that you have the latest Windows service pack and security patches installed.
(3) Use antispyware software. SuperAntiSpyware, AdAware, Spyware Blaster, and Spyware Terminator are all freeware programs that do a good job. Run them regularly and get frequent updates....