Read the title again, carefully. It doesnt say it takes more effort to get results. It says it takes more than effort to get results. Ah, the difference a word can make.
In the world I grew up and live in, hard work is considered a high virtue. Ive read children’s books that spoke of the value of hard work. I grew up on a farm and was proud to work hard. Few compliments will be viewed as highly as, They are a hard worker. And most people I know consider persistence a highly valued trait.
And I suspect your world is much the same.
As I continue to learn and observe the world around me, I’m quite sure this is the whole story.
That doesn’t mean I don’t think effort is required, that work is necessary, or that action helps us reach our goals. Of course, we need to take action to get results. Of course work is required to achieve anything of value. The quarrel I have is not with the word work. It’s with the word hard.
Of course some things are hard work and always will be. However hard work, taken to the extreme leads us to the equivalent of bashing our head against a concrete wall, figuring that eventually...