It Will Eventually Happen To You. What To Do When You Have To File An Auto Insurance Claim.
It’s bound to happen. Sooner or later, if you drive long enough, you’re likely to have some sort of automobile accident. With luck, it will be minor. But irregardless, knowing how to handle an auto insurance claim can possibly save you thousands of dollars.
If you are involved in an accident, particularly in moderate to severe accidents, the first thing you need to do is contact the police. They will arrive quickly and help you sort out what happened, who may be at fault, and contact towing companies to remove your vehicle from the scene of the accident if necessary.
The second thing you should do is contact your insurance company. They will likely want the insurance information of the other driver. Get that information from the other driver if possible, but if they are angry or uncooperative, do not push them. They must give that info to the police, and your auto insurance company can get it that way if necessary in order to process your claim. It takes longer, but it can still be done. This also saves you from escalating an already stressful situation...