I have an ongoing interest in Italian English translation and Italian life in general. I hope this article Italian Translation into English – Days & Months’ will help those trying to learn the Italian language. If these articles prove of interest then I will continue writing a whole series on these subjects.
Italian / English Translation of the Months of the Year
gennaio January
febbraio February
marzo March
aprile April
maggio May
giugno June
luglio July
agosto August
settembre September
ottobre October
novembre November
dicembre December
Unlike the English translation, in Italian the names for days of the week are not capitalised.
Here is an Italian English Translation of some other useful phrases;
Che mese ? – What month is it?
In che mese siamo? – What month are we in?
dicembre – Its December
Siamo in dicembre – We are in December
Italian / English Translation of the Days of the Week
luned Monday
marted Tuesday
mercoled Wednesday
gioved Thursday
venerd Friday