It’s Snooze or Lose! Not Snooze and Lose Good Nights Sleep
Welcome to the sleepless 21st century. Somewhere in your busy schedule you make time to get to the gym, eat healthy and buy/take your supplements. However as the old saying goes “a chain is only strong as it weakest link” applies to your weight loss and bodybuilding efforts as well. Learn how a good nights sleep can be your best bodybuilding/weight loss supplement.
Do not let your training program fail because you dont get adequate sleep. What is adequate sleep? This will vary by individual, but most likely you will need eight plus hours to be fully rested. If you are waking up with the help of an alarm (even worse, hitting the snooze button a dozen times), you arent getting enough sleep.
There are many general health benefits that can be obtained from simply getting a good night’s sleep. A huge one is better cardiovascular health – sleep deprivation has been linked to a hardening of the arteries.
The importance of sleep is much higher for the person trying to gain muscle mass. Your body needs this rest to repair, rebuild and recover the muscle that your...