The author gives a candid description of how he started his writing venture since his early age which eventually led him to write about Internet online marketing business. He explains in simple English the importance and power of article writing in this new business venture and how he has done it and how it has helped built his Internet business.
If your doctor advised you to run, jog or walk for the sake of your health, I’d advise you to write for the sake of your wealth from Internet business!
Since I ventured into this very interesting and exciting Internet marketing business, I’ve been writing for some time, something I happen to be enjoying doing. Since the day I learnt to construct the first complete and grammatically correct sentence in English, writing to covey to others my thought, ideas and opinions has been a very fascinating process for me.
For many years friends and business associates have been seeking my input to assess, correct and improve their own writings. Before I knew it, strangers from the Internet have also approached me to help them in copy writing their sales letters and web content. These clients of mine include...