Joomla templates are basically what provide the look and feel of your Joomla powered website. The Joomla templates gives style to your site and provides a basic design for you to build your website within the template.
Joomla is the leading CMS choice for web designers and end users who wish to implement web applications in a user-friendly environment. Joomla also allows the end user to easily and effortlessly manage and maintain a dynamic website with little or no knowledge of code. The front end of this powerful content management system can be controlled simply, by a single XHTML document and a CSS style sheet allowing you to have complete and creative control over your site’s look and feel by making use of the many pre-made or custom Joomla templates available.
If you’re a web designer with limited skills in PHP and you have a client that may have some detailed requirements, then you probably want to go with Joomla templates because
1. It is stable.
2. There are hundreds of free and commercial templates, extensions, components and modules already done for you to work with.
Joomla templates are...