Youve just completed a writing course. Perhaps recently graduated from college. Maybe your career has finally ended, and now that youve reached retirement youre free to pursue your long-awaited dream of writing a book. You cant wait to rush to the computer and finally get started on this long-held dream.
Slow down or youll find yourself in the clutches of that dread disease, Writers Block.
You dont want to join the many hopefuls who sit and stare, their typing fingers paralyzed as they face a blank computer screentheir grand ideas shattered by the forbidding glower of that empty screen.
To avoid placing yourself in that position, you have some major decisions to make: What is it you want to write? How do you want to present your thoughts? Will fiction or nonfiction work best? All of that sounds rather elementary, doesnt it?
It is, but these are essential exercises if you want to become a proficient writer and avoid an author’s greatest nemesis – writer’s block. As I state in my latest book The Writer Within You, careful planning is the best medication to help you avoid that frightening disease.
Fiction or...