Why do you do what you do? What is your real work in the world, and why is it important to know the answer?
I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I have started and run several businesses, and as I look back, I think the most important element in financial and personal success is awareness of purpose and the capacity to stay open to it.
Many years ago I was a participant in a seminar. At the end, the leader took us through a guided meditation in which we asked ourselves, “What is my purpose for doing the work I do, in my relationships, and for being alive in this time and place?”
The word ‘connection’ popped up in my mind, and it felt right. My work then and now is helping people manage conflict with power and grace, and about removing the barriers to connection. Outside of work, as well, I want my actions to reflect this purpose. So when the word came up in the meditation all those years ago, it gave a name to something I already recognized.
My work is still about connection. On rough days, knowing this keeps me going. On good days, when life flows, it is reaffirmed. It doesn’t matter whether it makes sense to anyone...