Why does your skin feel so dry in the winter? Bet you didn’t realize the dryness is from not enough moisture in your house. Too little humidity can have a huge impact on your home’s comfort; so can too much.
Aside from clean air, good indoor air quality involves controlling humidity levels in the home. Too much humidity can create an environment conducive to the growth of mold. Not enough humidity can cause serious respiratory problems.
During the cold season, more than 25 million Americans use humidifiers to make dry household air more comfortable. Make sure you’re getting safe, clean humidity by following these simple guidelines:
1. Choose an evaporative type humidifier. Don’t use one that creates tiny water droplets. Scientific tests prove that furnace-mounted, evaporative humidifiers do not emit bacteria or contribute to mold growth.
2. Clean your humidifier regularly. If you use a portable humidifier, the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission recommends cleaning the reservoir regularly to prevent possible mold or bacterial growth. If you use a furnace-mounted humidifier, contact your local heating and cooling...