Soil is a composition of weather-beaten rock, minerals, decayed plant materials and other organic ingredients. All this takes a long time to develop, but can be damaged by our action or neglect in a single season.
Plants can obtain nutrients from the soil using their roots and change them to usable materials to grow new roots, leaves and flowers.
All gardeners are to be custodians of the soil, taking the time to replace food and other elements as they are used. We need to treat it like we want to be treated, not like dirt.
Healthy soil should contain a mix of air, water, nutrients and organic matter. We can protect this mixture by:
Adding organic matter on a regular basis is probably one of the most important things we can do. Adding compost, cover crops and animal manure can do many things:
+ increases the soil’s capability to hold nutrients.
+ makes food available to plants over a longer period of time.
+ lessen the amount of nutrients lost by erosion or leaching.
+ provides micro-nutrients that are needed by plants in small amounts.
+ release nutrients already in the soil by increasing the action of beneficial...