Whenever you are starting up a business, you are not going to have a lot of money to just throw around, which means that you are going to need to know what kind of advertising is getting you the best results. There are a few ways that you can go about checking this. Keeping up with your Internet marketing stats is a must in this day and age. Sure you are going to want a hit counter on your web page, but that is just the tip of what you will need. You are going to want things that track how long people are staying on your site, what links are bringing them there, and of course, if they are buying anything. By knowing this kind of stuff, you are going to be able to tell what ads are getting you the most business and which ones are not. That way you can take down the ads that are not doing so well, and put up more of the good ones. This is a prime idea for first time marketers.
There are many different ways to track your Internet marketing. First of all, sometimes when you sign up with a program like Google AdWords, they are going to have link tracking. This way you are going to know how many people are clicking on your links, and when they click on them, how long are they...