Web design:
Web design, the art of developing for the web is something that goes beyond visual design. It is a blend of proper writing, designing and developing. During recent years professional web design has become imperative. A few years ago, it was predictable that a visitor to a web site took about 8 seconds to decide to stay on that web site or click the “Back” button. If your web design does not clutch their attention immediately, they won’t stick around. And if your web site does not offer any benefits, they won’t bookmark it and so they won’t come back.
Web development:
Multi column displays in CSS
A lot of designs we have to turn into HTML these days have multi column elements. These are created because either the copy text might get too long to be readable in a fully expanded browser or the designer wants to make sure that as many as possible page elements are “above the fold”. Normally these problems can be easily solved with an HTML table.
Taming the select
Some browsers allow for border, others allow for a different font, some just don’t allow any styling at...