Keyboard layout specifies what character the computer will display when you will press the certain key on your keyboard. There are various characters in different languages, but in Windows you can easily switch between languages with Control + Shift or Alt + Shift key stoke. That is great, because you don’t need to use another PC or different keyboard.
But if you are using two or more layouts you will certainly face some difficulties. For instance, sometime you forget to switch to necessary layout and do blind typing, but when you see the result, which is in wrong layout, you have to retype.
It became a huge problem, especially, when layouts looks like the same and it is hard to determine from the first look that you are using the wrong layout.
Another problem is using more than two layouts. Now you will need to press Control + Shift twice to select the necessary layout. And this might be a great problem, because you will always need to check what layout you are using now and you will waste your work time to technical things.
There are some possible ways to make this problem solved. For sure, you can using Windows keyboard layout options to...