In this article I am going to list ten ways in which hypnotherapy can be an effective means for empowering people to stop smoking in a natural way. If you are considering hypnotherapy to stop smoking or weighing up the pros and cons of other methods, then this article may provide you with more information to help you choose the method that has the best chance of working for you. I am a hypnotherapist, in Hertfordshire and regularly provide smoking cessation session at my hypnotherapy practice, Hertfordshire to help people kick the habit once and for all.
1) Hypnotherapy targets the unconscious mind, this is the part that stores all your memories, emotions and creates and maintains habits. This means that the memories you have of smoking, emotional attachment to smoking and the smoking habit pattern is dealt with by hypnotherapy.
2) Having hypnotherapy to give up smoking means that you do not have to rely on willpower alone. This is good news, since trying to use willpower alone is a conscious act. The conscious mind is the logical part that can only hold information in the short-term. Habits are stored at an unconscious level. Therefore it seems obvious that you...